Librarian/Teacher Resources

Hopefully, this page is your one-stop shopping for everything you need to help your students/patrons participate in the North Carolina Children's Book Award.  Our award is completely driven by kids:  

  • kids nominate their favorite books via a google form on our website from November 1 - March 31.
  • the NCCBA committee, a collaboration between school librarians and youth services librarians across the state, votes on the kid-nominated books to narrow it down to 10-12 picture book and 10-12 junior book nominees (please check our FAQ questions page to see the criteria we use.)
  • kids interact with the nominees - either by reading them on their own or listening as a teacher, librarian or parent shares them.
  • kids vote for their favorite in March!

Please use the following resources to help the kids you interact with in the library have a voice in nominating and choosing our winners!

Access some of the titles through NC Kids Digital Library 

2025 Activity Guide - ideas for sharing the books in the classroom or public library program, read-alike suggestions and author/illustrator websites

2025 Picture Book list (annotated) 

2025 Junior Book list (annotated)


  • November 1 - March 31
  • kids nominate their favorite books published within 4 years of award using our Google form (librarians and/or teachers may help kids enter their nominations)

Nominate Now display sign

Nomination form - feel free to use this form to gather nominations from kids then enter their choices for them in our Google form.


  • we recommend kids start reading Junior books in January at the latest
  • kids must read at least 3 Junior books to vote
  • kids must read at least 5 Picture books to vote

Read Now display sign

Nominee flyer with covers (and information about the process on the back)

Bookmark-style list of nominees


  • March 1 - April 12, 2025
  • kids can vote using the Google forms (Picture Books or Junior Books) on our website
  • kids can vote using the flyer with the book covers (that you provide and collect)
  • kids can vote using the bookmark-style list of nominees (that you provide and collect)  

Vote Now display sign

If you collect votes, please tally all of the votes then submit a total for each title in a separate Google form for librarians.

Librarian/Teacher Vote Tally Form - all votes due 5/14/25

If you are a school media coordinator and have questions, please contact our co-chairs:

Lisa S. Denning
Media Coordinator
North Harnett Primary School

Wendy Moorehead
Media Coordinator
West Harnett High School

If you are a youth services librarian in a public library and have questions, please contact our co-chair: 

Janet West
Library Branch Manager
Wake County Public Libraries